Introducing our Organic Cayenne Pepper Capsules

We’re delighted to announce the arrival of this powerful capsaicin supplement to our organic range, a powerful 500mg dose to feel the cayenne pepper benefits.

At around 30,000-80,000 Scoville Heat Units, these cayenne capsules provide between 2mg and 5.3mg of capsaicinoids per serving. These vegan, gluten-free capsules are filled with nothing but pure, Soil Association certified, organic cayenne pepper powder and nothing else.

Introducing our Organic Cayenne Pepper Capsules

Our organic chillis mean you can be sure that these chilli peppers were grown without the use of any chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides or other harmful substances - ensuring only the best for your body.

Made in the UK using 100% renewable energy in a facility that exceeds GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards and is registered and inspected by the HFMA (Health Food Manufacturers Association) you can be sure that these Cayenne Pepper capsules are manufactured to the highest standards.

As with all our supplements, we’ve packed these capsules into a biodegradable bottle with an infinitely recyclable aluminium lid that is sealed to ensure maximum freshness. Not only that we’ve also stuck on a paper label rather than use a plastic one that can’t be recycled or break down naturally

London Herbs Cayenne Pepper Capsules

  • Organic, Vegan & Gluten Free
  • 100% Pure, Zero additives
  • Made in the UK, in an HFMA Certified Facility
  • Made with 100% Renewable Energy
  • Biodegradable packaging
  • 500mg dose providing minimum 2mg Capsaicinoids

What is Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Peppers are a subspecies of the capsicum annum chilli plant and contain a group of alkaloids called capsaicinoids, including capsaicin which is responsible for the heat associated with chilli peppers. Cayenne Peppers typically rate between 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville units (a measure of heat applied to chilli peppers, which also indicates the level of capsaicin present).

What are the active components of Cayenne Pepper?

Cayenne peppers are nutritionally diverse containing many substances that can benefit human health. These include Capsaicinoids (including Capsaicin), Carotenoid Pigments (including Capsanthin, Capsorubin, alpha-Carotene and beta-Carotene) and Steroid Glycosides (including Capsicosides). They also contain naturally occurring Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K as well as other minerals and fibres.

Woman sweating and working out

What are the benefits of Cayenne Pepper orally?

Modern research has shown Cayenne to potentially have many different human health benefits including:

Metabolism Booster

Primarily it acts as a thermogenic agent, slightly increasing the body's metabolic rate which may help you burn more calories throughout the day and support your weight loss goals. There is also anecdotal evidence that Cayenne can suppress your appetite to some degree, helping you eat less throughout the day and lose weight.

Cardiovascular Health

Capsaicin may stimulate the circulatory system and supports blood flow to tissues by aiding the release of vasodilators (substances that dilate blood vessels) such as nitric oxide. Cayenne Peppers have also been observed to reduce cholesterol levels, platelet aggregation and triglyceride levels. Additionally, they support the body's ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance responsible for the formation of blood clots in the human body.

Digestive Health

It may aid digestion by stimulating your saliva glands and the body's natural production of digestive enzymes. Additionally, in the stomach itself, it may increase hydrochloric acid production which can support healthy digestion and reduce bloating and gas.

Immune Health

As well as having antifungal properties, Capsaicin may also be beneficial for reducing inflammation and managing antioxidant activity within the body, which both support your immune system.

Does Cayenne Pepper have a history of medicinal use?

Indeed, cayenne peppers have a long history of use in traditional medicine, particularly in Africa and India (Ayurveda). In fact, renowned English botanist, John Lindley noted the use of Cayenne Pepper in his 1838 book Flora Medica. He noted it's benefits for many ailments, even as a treatment for malria and scarlett fever. Lindley said:

Cayenne Pepper is employed in medicine, in combination with Cinchona in intermittent and lethargic affections, and also in atonic gout, dyspepsia accompanied by flatulence, tympanitis, paralysis etc. Its most valuable application appears however to be in cynanche maligna (acute diphtheria) and scarlatina maligna (malignant Scarlet fever, used either as a gargle or administered internally.)

John Lindley - Flora Medica - Important Plants Used in Medicine

Buy London Herbs Organic Cayenne Pepper Capsules now.